Alekai is a magical creature living in a bubble of art, love, support, creation, and mystery. All things lying within the south Indian tropics.

The elements of Alekai make fusion of unique aesthetic, function, and purpose; cloth, pattern and texture.

Tribes of the world, music, nature, and raw experiences mold the inspiration for the garments being created.

In his own words "By working with tribal ancient techniques, I create rare and exquisite textile designs and garments. Involving myself in the design of the block prints, dyeing, and embroidery techniques helps bring a contemporary vision to an ancient technique. A fusion of realms.

Because of the growth of Alekai, a few years ago I have opened my own workshop in Goa. With stitchers from kalkuta, india, and a lady pattern master as well working on-site, I am able to maintain high quality in the design and production process. I work with the stitchers, and in the creation of my designs I remain involved in every single step from beginning to end. It is this way that I can create truly special items that people will wear with comfort, ease, and the feeling of wearing something that makes them pattern master is a lady from Calcutta as well."

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